Thursday, November 12, 2015

Wagging The Dog

Often when writing this blog, I find that my knitting, spinning and fiber-related activities are dictated by needing material for a blog post.

Do I Write The Blog or Does the Blog Write Me?
I can't tell you how many times I've thought to myself while knitting, "If I just do another few rows, I'll be able to blog about this." Or, "A $3 purchase of a pile of vintage knitting booklets would be well worth the price just for the ability to blog about it."

For those of you who write blogs, I know you know what I'm talking about, and for those that don't, I'm sure you can imagine.

Don't get me wrong, even if I didn't write a blog, I'd be doing quite a bit of knitting and spinning and other fiber-related activities. But to be honest, I think my production is somewhat higher due to having some audience watching my progress.

Current Knitting/Crocheting
All that being said, this past weekend was one of those "one step back" types of weekends when it came to my knitting, and I blame it on the blog.

I decided to work on my alpaca jacket. I had about 16 inches knit on the back, and I was just about to do shaping for the sleeve openings. Due to pictures of the garment that I took to show progress here on the web site, I realized that there was a significant color differentiation on the bottom of the fabric.

I decided I needed to pull it all out and start again.

I now have about 3 or 4 inches completed, but the color change will be much less noticeable now (I alternated between two balls of yarn every other row).

Readers' Comments/Questions
Ted asks, "Which software do you use for distilling PDFs, and for editing images?"

For image editing, I use PaintShopPro. I downloaded a free version of it years ago, and got used to using it. I ended up buying the software after I had already gotten my money out of it. For creating PDF files, I used to use freeware that uses a print driver to create a PDF document, called PDF995. It worked pretty well, but recently, I found out my company accidentally assigned me a license for Adobe Acrobat Professional, which allows me to create any kind of PDF file, so I will use that from now on.

Evelyn asks, "What's a nep?"

This is one of those questions where I'd refer you to Google. This article is something I found using such a search engine.

Andy's Crafts asks, "What kind is cormo yarn?"

Again, another lazy question where Google could have provide many answers, such as the web site linked here.

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