Thursday, November 19, 2015

Another Anniversary

The ever-wonderful Thaddeus and I celebrated our 25th anniversary this past weekend.

Quarter Century Club
Yes, it's amazing even to me that it's really been 25 years. We celebrated by going to an exceptional restaurant in center-city Philadelphia, Morimoto's. Despite torrential downpours on our drive to the restaurant, it was a wonderful way to mark this joyful milestone.

I say it often, but we've been very lucky.

Current Knitting
Taking progress pictures of my current sweater has gotten to the point where it's starting to feel like watching paint dry, but I still post them and make you read about it...sorry!

I really have gotten more done on the just doesn't really look like it.

So, I'll spice things up a bit by showing you the INSIDE of the sweater...yes...don't hyperventilate...I know this is exciting shit.

I have completed about 12 or 13 inches on the body of the sweater, and I'll soon be starting the steek stitches for the arm holes.

Readers' Comments/Questions
JellyDonut asks, "Joe, are your socks always done toe to top? I've only done it the other way. How do you decide when to start the heel?"

In answer to your first question, no, sometimes I do cuff-down knitting on socks. There are a couple of reasons I do toe-up. First, it allows me to make the longest sock with whatever yarn I'm using...I can just stop when I'm a little less than halfway through my yarn. Second, I love using the Andersson heel, and I haven't gotten my shit together enough to revise the instuctions to make it in a cuff-down fashion. Finally, I like the look of the toe of the sock using the figure-eight cast-on. I decide on when to start the heel based on my rows-per-inch gauge and how many rows it will take me to increase for the heel gusset. If I do a short-row heel, I just keep trying on the sock and when it gets to the first vertical part of my ankle, I start the heel.

Evelyn asks, "How are you knitting a blue sock out of orange yarn??"

It's Noro magic...well actually it's purple, blue and teal and then's what it's looking like now.

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