Friday, November 20, 2015


This weekend was all about trying to finish outstanding projects.

Bad At Multi-Tasking
What can I say, I'm a 16 bit kinda guy in a 32 bit world.

When I try to get a lot done, I seem to get less done overall.

Current Knitting
I was able to finish the sleeve and the collar on the wool/hemp sweater.

I still need to weave in ends and block this sweater before giving it away. I'll do that when I'm back from vacation.

I also finished knitting the edging for the Vineyard Throw, and I even sewed on one side of it.

Now I just need to sew on the other edging (already finished knitting) and weave in all the ends. This will be a wonderful afghan to come home to after keeping warm in Arizona.

New Project
I needed a new project to start that wasn't overly complex or bulky to take with me on vacation. I decided to take the four hanks of Brooks Farms wool and silk yarn and make some cross-stitch scarves.

I already started my first one so I could make sure I had enough yarn to keep me going in Arizona.

The picture sucks, but the fabric this stitch is creating is perfect for this yarn and colorway.

See You When I Get Back From Vaction
I'll respond to any comments/e-mails when I get back.

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