Saturday, November 28, 2015

Frustrated On All Fronts

My travel knitting/crocheting it totally screwed up this week and I'm left working on a project I'm not enjoying at the moment.

Bad Knitting Week
I brought three projects to Delaware this week to work on.
1. The crochet tablecloth
2. The alpaca herd jacket
3. A new secret project that I may want to publish
Being all excited about the new project (it involves Koigu), I decided to work on that mostly this week to try and get it finished. Searching through my travel-knitting bag, I realized I hadn't brought the crochet hook with me for this project (see, you're finding out more about it than I cared to's a crochet project!).

I then started working diligently on the Alpaca Herd Jacket. Alternating between balls of yarn, I finished the sleeve shaping and was just about to get to the collar shaping when I realized I hadn't brought any extra balls of yarn. I had to put this project down.

Which left me with the tablecloth. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy doing this fine crochet lace...except when I find a mistake in the work I've already completed. So I've decided to try correcting a few of my mistakes.

You'll see that I've made it look like a person missing teeth, and I still need to take out another large motif...ugh. This kind of fix always seems so daunting and complex, but I guess it really isn't. It is time consuming, however.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Barbara writes, "I've been looking at the Jojoland Harmony - what are the color lengths like - how long are the repeats - do you know?"

I don't know, but if you have access to Ravelry, there are a few projects out there with pictures showing how it knits up.

Cara asks, "Where in Philadelphia can you get silk blend Manos?"

Sherry W. answered that Rosie's Yarn Cellar has it, and I got it at Twist in New Hope (I think).

Adam Spector Hodgkins Memorial Fund

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