Monday, November 16, 2015

Amazon Advertising

Since my internet cookies show that I have a predilection toward fiber crafts, I received an advertisement from Amazon yesterday for this book.

Assigning Mystical Qualities
Knitting has deeply affected my life. During a time of confusion and indecision in my life, I found a hobby that has been satisfying in ways that defy description. But honestly, it could have just as easily been collecting matchbooks, or flying model airplanes that provided a needed outlet for me.

What I'm saying, is that I don't assign mystical qualities to knitting, just because it was the hobby I happened upon at an important decision time in my life.

However, I know there are folks that do like this kind of relationship, and I didn't want to exclude promotion of such a book on my web log, in case I haven't chased away all of the folks that might harbor such thoughts about knitting.

Check out what the publisher has to say about the book here.

One final word about this from me. I enjoyed reading the list of some of the other books recommended by Barnes & Noble or Amazon for someone ordering this book:

The Knitting Way: A Guide to Spiritual Self Discovery by Linda T. Skolnik
Knitting Heaven and Earth : Healing the Heart with Craft by Susan Gordon Lydon
PuppyKnits: 12 QuickKnit Fashions for Your Best Friend Jil Eaton

Current Knitting
Made some additional slow progress on the wool/hemp sweater. Tonight should allow me a little more time to get the sleeve finished and move on to the collar.

Not sure yet what kind of collar I will do on this. It's a wide opening, so I'll have to fill it up with something. Just not sure what yet.

Other Weekend Fiber Activities
I did get in a few hours of spinning this past weekend. If I had focused all of my spinning attention on the last color of merino, I would be close to finished with it (or perhaps, I might have actually finished it).

But, I couldn't resist allocating some of my spinning time to the Robin wheel and the unknown tan fiber I'm spinning on that.

It was worth splitting my time. I'm loving spinning both fibers.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Cynthia asks, "Any idea of a good resource/reference for learning to fix knits?"

Since you specifically reference moth holes, I'm assuming you're looking for instructions on darning. Here is the best tutorial I've found on this.

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