Wednesday, June 24, 2015

We Have Some Winners

First of all, thanks to everyone who contributed to the fund. We are very much looking forward to meeting Franklin and roaming through fiber booths with him at Rhinebeck.

The Winners
I had Thaddeus randomly select the top three prize winners, and I have notified them via e-mail.

1st Prize - Fredda P.
2nd Prize - Amy N.
3rd Prize - Leila W.
4th Prize - Lisa L.

Once I hear from Fredda, I will contact the other winners

Yarn Purchase
I was very grateful to Carol S. for letting me know about the Manos sale at Rosie's Yarn Cellar (web weekly sale). Here's what I ended up getting in the mail yesterday.

It's actually four hanks of each color. They're all just twisted together in a mini-head of yarn. I am even more pleased with the colors than from their web pictures.

The Knitting Vault
When I posted the link to the Koigu Cross Stitch Scarf in my last post, I got another surge of orders for the pattern on The Knitting Vault.

For those of you who haven't checked out patterns there lately, there are some very nice ones (as well as some awful ones). But I check the new ones every once in a while to see if there's anything I'd like to own.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Laura notes that "I'm not sure how you knit it, but for me the stitch count in Feather & Fan stays the same on every row, since you work an equal number of increases and decreases on the pattern rows."

She is exactly right. I had a brain misfire yesterday and was thinking that the decreases came in one row, and the increases in the following row. I was wrong. Nevertheless, Laura is right in her assumption that the scallops make it look very nice with variegated yarns.

RJ notes that I "might have to rethink (my)your footwear" due to the uncomfortability of textured socks.

I'm not sure if RJ misread my comments, but I am NOT a fan of textured socks for the very reason mentioned. I would think they would be quite uncomfortable to wear.

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