Monday, June 22, 2015

Mission Accomplished

Almost...yes, we've reached the $500 goal for the Fresh Air Group for Franklin. Now we just have to arrange all the logistics and get him out here in October.

Thanks to approximately 30 readers, Franklin will have the opportunity to come out to New York in October and experience Rhinebeck Sheep & Wool. And, of course, we get to meet him.

If anyone would still like to contribute (and participated in the contest), you have until Friday at noon, U.S. Eastern time. At that point, I will put all the names in a basket and pick the winners of the prizes.

Good luck, and thank you all again.

Other Weekend Activities
I didn't just knit this past weekend. I also got back to my spinning and made some progress on the Cherry Merino.

I'd like to say I'll be done spinning this color sometime this coming weekend, but I don't think I'd be able to get it all done in one weekend of spinning time. Probably two.

Another distraction from knitting this past weekend is a book I've been reading called "Life of Pi", by Yann Martel.

I've always loved reading, but I've been having trouble fitting it in. Now that I've reincorporated reading back into my life, I've found I have little snippets of time that allow me to get through a book. It takes me a little while to finish a book, but I'm kind of enjoying the pace of reading this way.

The next book on my reading list is "Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Specifically, I wanted to address Carol S.'s message about keeping the Fresh Air Group selection completely closed and arbitrary.

Aside from the fact that I like that idea, her comment about how it is like the latest U.S. Presidential election actually made me laugh out loud. I find a lot of the readers' comments funny, but Carol's kind of humor is exactly what I find most funny.

I'm not sure how good she is with HTML and blog technology, but next time I go on vacation, I want her to do a week of guest blogging. Although, I'm sure it will piss me off when my average hits per day surges for the week I'm gone.

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