Saturday, June 13, 2015

Reader Survey

I've been spending a lot of time at home lately, and making my share of esspresso drinks. I'd like to know what readers think is the best brand of esspresso beans.

My Current Brand
Currently, I use Illy brand Dark Roast. A number of folks in Italy used this brand when we were there, and we like it very much.

Recently, while in Zurich, I had a lot of Swiss "coffee," which is just another name for esspresso, and I liked it as well or better, but I don't know any of the brand names.

Please leave a note in comments as to what you think is the best brand, and I'll do my own taste test.

Current Knitting
With a newfound stitch pattern that works well with novelty yarns, I've decided to make a few novelty yarn scarves, in case I'm asked by my friend to be in another craft show.

These two scarfs are made with Dune by Trendsetter. The thing I like about this stitch pattern is that it lays flat, and is the same on both sides. In addition, it knits up quickly and there are only three rows in the pattern.

I also forgot to mention that when I felted the purse to put in the Artmobile, I also felted a couple other things.

These are Thaddeus' felted clog slippers that were finished a while ago, but never felted. I also experimented with making a couple of felted bowls using leftover scraps of yarn.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Ria notes, "You must live near the best flea market in the world."

The flea market is in Lambertville, NJ, and it is a pretty decent flea market. I was just there again today, and got some other old needlework magazines for a whopping $3.

Thanks for the suggestions on how to sell off a dead knitter's stash. I like both of Marilyn's suggestions about (if it ever comes back on-line) and also inventorying my stash in Access. I also quite like Karen's idea of using as a clearinghouse for dead-knitter stash. I got a lovely e-mail from one of the gals that does this, and she was very respectful not to mention herself in comments, so as not to appear as advertising. I always appreciate that.

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