Saturday, June 27, 2015

Knit Blog Friends

Getting to be with friends I know from knitting is always incredibly energizing.

Knit Get-Together
A few of the readers of this blog got together yesterday for lunch and knitting and gabbing. Marilyn, Kathy, Liza and Selma (all the way from Woodstock, NY) were there, as was a special guest, Marilyn's granddaughter, Liz.

We had lunch at the Stockton Inn in New Jersey (because something about Dorothy Parker happened there...don't ask me, ask Marilyn or Liza). And then we met over my house, where Thaddeus served carrot cake and esspresso.

We also reviewed the most recent issue of Interweave Knits. While I don't have a copy, Liza tells me it's worth the price for an article on Japanese textile bleaching techniques. After seeing a couple of awful designs, including designs by such well-known designers as Annie Modesitt, Nicky Epstein and Mari Lynn Patrick, I have some severe doubts about whether I will buy this issue.

Current Knitting
It seems I talked more about knitting this weekend than actually doing it.

I finished the back, attached one shoulder, and finished about half the collar. Pretty much, I have only two sleeves and a little finishing to do.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Elizabeth asks, "Have you finished Life of Pi?"

I finished it this passed weekend and it was everything I had hoped for in a book. If you've read this book, and didn't like it, or thought it was just okay, you should never take my recommendation for a book, because clearly we have different tastes.

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