Friday, June 5, 2015

New Project

With the completion of the Marlowe Crawford MSKR socks (see below), I've decided to try designing another pullover vest.

New Vest
I knit a great vest last July using Rowan Felted Tweed...let's see if I can find a picture...ah yes, here it is:

The new vest will be based on some of the same measurements for last year's vest, but will include color and texture, I think.

I purchased some yarn from A Touch of Twist:

The yarn is called Impressions, and this one is Sport weight (I think). I have their color cards (and their colors are extensive) and the feel of these yarns is very nice. Can't wait to swatch and see what I come up with.

Current Knitting
As noted above and on my last blog entry, I was able to finish the Men's Knitting Retreat socks designed by Marlowe Crawford.

It was a perfect day to finish's kind of cold and damp and rainy and the socks are warm and snug and a big bear hug (bear as in woof...not grrrr). I will probably start another pair of socks in addition to the vest...I want to try out Marlowe's Basic Arched Sock pattern that I just purchased/downloaded last week.

New Book On Order
Saw this book on FaceBook or Twitter...will never be able to remember between the two...and it seemed like a great book to want/own.

The Knitter's Book of Wool looks like a great resource, so I've placed my pre-order.

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