Saturday, December 12, 2015

Taking The Christ Out of Christmas

It appears as nothing short of ingenuous when a so-called Christian is offended when Walmart announces a "Holiday" sale.

The White House Holiday Card
Did you hear that the Christian right is pissed off that Bush's White House sent out cards that said "Season's Greetings" and a verse from Psalms?

Yes, they see it as another demonstration that folks are de-Christianizing the yuletide, and that the card is just another example of how folks are losing sight of the purpose of Christmas.

As far as Walmart is concerned, I will rely on a quote from Scott Simon of NPR:

"What!?!?, retailers are trying to commercialize Christmas?!?!?

Uh, hello...wouldn't you want to market to the largest possible holiday crowd if you were in their shoes?

If you believe in Christ, please go celebrate a holy Christmas day (even though your savior was actually born in June or July), but please, leave us heathens to celebrate as we will.

Weekend Knitting
I couldn't face working on the lace project, so I went with the closest project I could stand working on.

This is the Bed Spread/Grave Blanket that I started years ago, using a fine baby alpaca that is soft as silk, light as air and warm as hell. The color is hideous, but eventually, I will dye it some other color.

This does have some yarn-overs and right and left slanting decreases, so it's almost lace.

I also put in some work on the wool/hemp sweater that I finished about a month ago

I gave the sweater to my friend Stephen, and it was about 1 or 2 inches too short in both the body and the sleeves. I didn't want to have to re-do the ribbing, so I just severed the body from the ribbing, picked up stitches and I'll insert an inch and a half before re-grafting the ribbing.

I'll do the same for the sleeves.

Blog Awards
Despite all opposition and criticism, I think I'll go forward with this idea. What's the worst that happens? The winners will be blogs I don't like and I never do the awards again? I don't consider that a very big cost.

More details to follow this week.

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