Friday, December 11, 2015

No Joy Today

I never realized how life could so easily be stripped of any enjoyment, despite knowing that these feeling will subside in time.

Sad Memories All Around
It became very noticeable how much Gage had infiltrated much of what I do when I'm home.

Lately, when I'd sit down at my spinning wheel, he'd insist on sitting on my lap, which is why this latest spinning project has been a little slower than they used to be.

Whenever I'd put down my knitting, I'd have to conciously make sure I didn't leave it anywhere where Gage could eat the yarn.

Projects stored in bags with tightly twisted paper handles were used as a teething toy for Gage (yes, he LOVED chewing on that twisted paper cording used for bag handles).

Each time I'd pick up my knitting this past weekend, or sit down to spin, or try to read a book on knitting, there were many unwitting reminders of my little guy. It's a good thing my current knitting and spinning projects don't require much concentration, because I didn't have a lot to spare.

Current Knitting
I did get some knitting done on the Araucania Jacket, but not a lot.

Yes, I finished the third strip and made a little headway on the fourth. I was hoping that I could get this sweater done before the Friday before Christmas to give to a friend of ours, but with six more color strips and two black strips and sleeves and a border, I don't know if I will make the deadline.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Many thanks to all who sent thoughtful words or prayers our way. Thaddeus read all the comments (as did I, but I always do), and the support from readers was soothing in many ways.

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