Friday, December 18, 2015

Carol's My Hero

Remember how I wondered why Debbie Stoller's book
was the #1 knitting book on Amazon? Now it's not.

Now Carol's Book Is!

Yes...Amazon ranks Knitting Socks with Handpainted Yarn as the top selling knitting book on Amazon.

Not surprising, but very nice. You can see all the other rankings here.

Congratulations to one of our own on such a well-deserved recognition.

Current Knitting
At row 124 and counting down.

44 rows sounds a lot better than 75% complete to me. Not sure why but it does.

Other Miscellany
My Newfoundland coworker found out that I had never had salted beef (also known as cured navel beef), so she schlepped a vacuum sealed package of it into the states just for me.

Thaddeus was able to make an excellent and traditional "boiled dinner" from it.

It was quite good, but I honestly prefer corned beef.

Also, found on a recent trip to the flea market, this collection of baby and children's knit books.

I have to stop collecting these booklets before my book shelves start to collapse.

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