Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Diligence, Persistence, Perseverance

That's what Henry seems to require, and I have been fully dedicated to Henry since I started it.

Fine Gauge - Very Slow Progress
I think even Lady Carol of the Fine Knits would throw this garment down and pick up a space-dyed sock project.

It's kind of like when I'm exercising on a treadmill, and after a mere 2 minutes, I'm already exhausted. I say to myself...just run a quarter of a mile, or just keep going until the next commercial finishes on television. By the time I get to my next milestone, I've gotten a bit of a second wind and I carry on. If I can keep that up for my full workout, I complete what I've set out to do.

So it is with Henry.

Current Knitting
Since my last blog post, almost a week ago, I've only been able to get to row 69 (yes, my lucky number), which is less than double the number of rows I had when I last posted.

And it hardly seems like I've made any progress, and I still have 99 rows to go.

I still adore this yarn, and I know the final result will be a spectacular scarf.

Friends In High Places
I found my copy of Interweave Knits
, Winter 2008 this past weekend at my grocery store.

Two friends are highlighted in this issue, which is very exciting.

Carol, has an article about her new book, Knitting Socks with Handpainted Yarn, and a pattern from said book. Amazon has a surprisingly low price for this book which is available in February, so I pre-ordered my copy right away.

Sean of Woolcott & Company also has a hat pattern in this issue that looks particularly good, and I will definitely end up making.

It's so nice having such talented friends!

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