Saturday, October 24, 2015


Sabbatical-- Any extended period of leave from one's customary work, esp. for rest, to acquire new skills or training, etc. 

Hi All-I'm still here, but not a lot of blogging is happening (obviously).  The next topic is to be garment shaping, but it's such a large topic that it's hard to tell where to begin.  There have been several false starts, but no approach has yet proved satisfactory.  

In the meanwhile, however, it has been fun working on projects. There's been a knitting drought for several years at ChezTECH as the blog has been all-consuming.  Now it is as if a dam had burst, and I am churning out projects.  It is fun knitting with yarn again, rather than pixels.  

Evidently, TECHknitting is now officially on a sort of a sabbatical break--a substantial period of time off while my thoughts get reorganized and fresh energy is generated to post further.  Sorry to have been incommunicado for so long, but TECHkntting will be back--eventually--and I really hope to tackle garment shaping at that time. 

Thanks for your continued patience, and we'll hopefully meet again in the not-too-distant future.


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