Monday, October 5, 2015

Presidential Woes

You'd think with all the bad press he's gotten lately, that he might consider not selecting another sympathetic co-worker to the supreme court.

It Could Have Been Worse
We could have gotten the other crony, Gonzalez.

But Miers looks like a repeat of the search for a Vice President. Dick Cheney was in charge of locating, vetting and recommending candidates for the office, and...oh surprise...he was the best person for the job. Now Miers pulls a Cheney, but at least she selected Roberts first (and now she's going to have a hard time measuring up to him as a candidate).

Maybe just once, it would have been nice if the President had just said, "Find the most qualified person for the job, whether friend or foe."

I can dream.

Quilt Progress
I've done nothing with the quilt, other than purchase the cotton batting.

It's a king size, all cotton, light loft batting.

I still need to cut the binding and cut and sew the backing. After Kaffe sees the top, I'll contact a couple of finishers about sending it off for quilting.

Other Weekend Fiber Activity
I did end up finishing the Nose Crust merino spinning and started the last color in the series, which I'm calling Blue Spruce.

It's amazing to me that some of the colors spun up extremely easily, while others, it seemed like I struggled through the entire roving. Fortunately, this one seems to be one of the smooth and easy ones.

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