Monday, October 5, 2015

I'm Officially A Square

With Rhinebeck looming in the immediate future, I am all set to show up on the Rhinebeck BINGO cards.

Sign up to play if you're going to Rhinebeck and you haven't signed up already. It's easy and will be a good way of establishing community at such a large fiber event as Rhinebeck. I always look forward to hearing from readers, even the ones that find my blog offensive.

Current Knitting
I've completed two complete repeats of the edge pattern stitch, and it's looking quite fine.

The knitting of this stitch pattern still takes a lot of my attention, and I still end up having to unknit a row or two every once in a while. But I think the result is well worth it. Here's a closeup.

Other Fiber Activity
In all the craziness of my new schedule, I have been able to fit in a little spinning as well on the multi-colored merino roving.

I'm almost finished with the first of three bobbins. Just a little bit more to go on this one.

Gratuitous Cat Picture
For the Gage-lovers out there, I thought I'd show a rare picture of Gage, our cat for a change.

Feel free to not ooh and ahh.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Regarding my crochet cap picture, Ted asks, "What is that furry thing that the crocheted beanie is mounted on?"

Your guess was correct. It is a sisal covered post that Gage has scratched the hell out of. We didn't want to have him declawed, so we put these posts all over the house. The cap of this one shapes the hat very nicely.

Also about the crochet cap she inspired, friend Kathy says, "Nice hat, Joseph. I want to see you wear it."

Have I not told this group about my one superpower? I have the ability to make any hat look completely idiotic, just by putting it on. The most awesome hat on anyone else on the planet gets put on my hat, and automatically transforms into the dorkiest thing you've ever seen. Check out the initial picture of me in a cap above to get a small sense about what I'm talking about.

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