Saturday, September 12, 2015

QueerJoe Curriculum

As the school year starts, children in Bucks County Pennsylvania may have the opportunity to see a fiber item made by yours truly, in a truly unique project called the "Artmobile."

Opening Soon
I was just notified that the opening reception for the current Artmobile exhibit will be this week (I won't be able to go). After the opening, the Artmobile will travel to various schools in my home county as part of an art curriculum, detailing specific areas of artwork. If you look at past exhibits, and check out some of the curriculum documents for teachers, they can be very impressive.

Readers may recall that I submitted a felted purse to the exhibit a number of months back.

And now it's actually going to be displayed with some "in-process" pictures that shows a little bit about felting (or technically, fulling).

Just think, I may actually be able to touch children in a non-priestlike way!

Current Knitting/Crocheting
I'm continuing work on the lace crochet tablecloth. I have added five more "stars" since the last picture, and since I can't download pictures till Friday, I have mocked up a picture of what it looks like now (kind of).

You can note from the fake photo that I haven't yet crocheted the mini-filler stars that go between the last three big stars. I might wait until the row is finished before I go back and do those.

Readers' Comments/Questions
BJ asks, "Joe will you be going to the Garden State Sheep Show this weekend?"

Yes, I will be going on Saturday, around mid-day, but only for an hour or two (it's very small). Carol from Philly and a friend of hers may join me, but nothing's been finalized yet. Please come up and say "hi" if you see me. Marilyn sometimes also goes, but I haven't heard from her about her plans yet.

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