Saturday, September 5, 2015

Kaffe-Haters Unite

Years ago when some KnitListers said some hateful things about Kaffe Fassett, I never understood where their nastiness came from.

Kaffe Envy
It must be envy. I look at the two pairs of socks I've completed using his colorways, and it annoys the hell out of me that he can put together such seemingly incongruous colors, in such a casual way, and have them look so amazing. I can't help but be envious. Now, of course my envy wouldn't prompt me to really write hateful things about such a nice man, but I can at least see the impetus for others' nasty comments about him.

Actually, folks that know Kaffe very well tell me that he doesn't ever go on-line, or I never would have written any of this. I just hope the folks that his friends who do go on-line don't show him this.

Current Knitting
I finished the second sock of the second pair of Kaffe/Regia socks.

I love how they've come out. To get the most out of the yarn, I actually ended up undoing the Kitchener-like bind-off I did on the first sock, and added on another inch of knitting. These socks are one of the few reasons I look foward to cooler weather.

Flea Market Finds
I did find a few more vintage knitting books recently at my local flea market.

The Vogue from 1950 is a classic that I'm glad to have, but the 1950's Men's Knitting booklet is my favorite. The sweaters are absolutely unwearable, and the men posing in them will give me joy for a long time to come.

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