Tuesday, September 15, 2015

May The Fiber Be With You

Yes, there is someone selling lighted knitting needles in their eBay store.

For The Knitter Who Knits in the Dark?
I don't know that I'd find a lot of use for these needles, but I thought the idea was fun and interesting.

Current Knitting
I've made very little progress on the shawl, so I won't even discuss.

I'm in the middle of un-knitting another three rows.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Regarding the Celestine Shawl, Marily asks, "I really, really like that color--almost a celery, isn't it?"

Yes, in most lights, celery is almost the perfect description. But in brighter, natural lights, it's a much more vibrant than that.

Kim Salazar writes, "Quick question if you've got the time - in the troop knitting booklets, if they include socks - Where/by whom are they published, what kind of toe is used and is a name for that technique specified?"

In the two books, there are a total of five patterns for socks. Three are in the black and white booklet by Bear Brand and Bucilla Yarns, dated 1940. "Heavy Weight Socks", "Medium Weight Socks", and "Sea Boot Stockings". The other two are in the Red and White booklet, published by Chadwick's Red Heart Wool, called "Plain Sock" and "Spiral Sock" All five patterns have you reduce at the toe down to 24 or 28 stitches and then "weave" the remaining stitches.

Only in the Bear Brand and Bucilla Yarn booklet do they detail how to weave the toe stitches, and they describe the standard Kitchener stitch (but they never use that term in either book). Here's a scan of the description.

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