Sunday, September 20, 2015

Mystery Solved

I always wondered why my statistics often showed folks access my blog via Google, using "" in the search field. Why wouldn't they just type it in the URL Address?

Google Search Bar
Then I realized, I do the same thing quite often. A while ago, I found a link like this one. It allowed me to load a toolbar into Internet Explorer that lets me search on Google, block pop-ups and a few other things.

It also opens up the Google search or URL in a new IE window, so I often find myself typing a URL in the search box, and Google will automatically open the URL in a new window. Maybe that's how others are doing it as well.

Current Knitting
I took Karla's advice and taped the in-progress shawl up to the sliding glass door and took no-flash pictures.

I like the way Karla's photographic method shows off the lace patterning, but not the color. I guess there's always a trade-off.

I'm up to 320 rows on this baby...only about 160 to go from the looks of it...we'll see.

Garden Visitor
I got to see this lovely creature (and be startled by it) on the last of our dahlias today.

Anyone care to hazzard a guess as to what kind of bug this is?

Barbie Knitting Machine
I love circular knitting machines, so I bought an old Barbie Knitting Machine off eBay a while ago. JoAnn's has a similar toy on sale right now in case anyone is interested.

Circular Knitting Machine

Readers' Comments/Questions
I thought Kathy's comments about naturalists and nudist was in earnest, and I was going to say the same thing Mel did. I guess I better find a humor store myself. Thanks Mel for the professional identifications. I now want to raise Jacobs. Can I come live on your farm in Maine?

And what does all this have to do with a good pea soup?

I'm confused.

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