Monday, April 13, 2015

What interests you? A poll with a chance at a prize

Addendum, May 16: The contest discussed below is over. I thank you SO much for participating, and for all the GREAT ideas. --TK

Dear Readers:

Today TECHknitting has a POLL with a chance at a PRIZE.

Is there something about hand-knitting not yet covered in TECHknitting blog, but that you wish there WAS a post about? You see, I'm looking over the list of subjects not yet covered and trying to decide what to write/illustrate about next.

I know there are some major topics not yet covered, such as cables and buttonholes and zippers. However, these three particular subjects will be coming up--there will be something about cables on TECHknitting blog this upcoming fall or winter; buttonholes will be the subject of a forthcoming article in the Summer 2010 Interweave Knits, and zippers will be the subject of an article in the upcoming winter Interweave Knits.

So, leaving aside the three subjects of cables and buttonholes and zippers, is there anything ELSE related to hand-knitting that you would like to read about? If so, would you consider sharing your requests in the comments? Long posts are OK--the more detail about what you find interesting, the better. I can't promise that any particular subject will be written up, but it would be extremely interesting to learn what subjects you would find interesting.

To thank you for taking the time, there will be a random drawing for one winner from the names of all who comment--a $20.00 gift certificate to the yarn shop of your choice (or, if you are outside of the US, a prize of equal value).

The cut off date is May 15, 2010 at midnight central (Chicago) time, and the winner of the random drawing will be posted soon thereafter. (Also? If you want to qualify for the drawing, be sure to leave not just your comment, but also a way of getting in touch with you!)

Thanks in advance for participating--I'm really looking forward to reading your comments.

Best --TK

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