Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Grammar Police

Posting a blog entry or a comment leaves way too much to interpretation, so if I misinterpret, it is not intentional.

Just To Clarify
I honestly don't care about whether someone ends a sentence with a preposition. It was really my snarky way of showing how stupid all this back and forth bickering is between the two Democratic candidates.

When a candidate is finally chosen, I'm pretty certain most Democrats will pull together and elect ourselves a non-moron for a change.

And unlike most of the Obamautons, I can say positive things about my less-favored candidate. Although I would prefer to see Senator Clinton become President Clinton, I also think Senator Obama would make an excellent president.

Current Knitting
I have gone back and fixed my egregious mistake on my lace project. I should definitely not work on this project when I can't focus clearly.

That's a quarter on the left side of the picture. I am now up to round 118 with only 22 more rounds to go.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Got an e-mail from a friend of Gay Singer/Songwriter, K Anderson with a link to this music video. K Anderson knits in the video and I liked his voice, so I thought I'd embed it here.


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