Friday, April 3, 2015

Hooray For Brooklyn, NY

It's difficult to be happy about a brutal hate-crimes conviction against a gay man in Brooklyn, but at least Brooklyn has a hate-crimes law, and the local community helped to bring the assailaint to justice.

Violence Against Gays
23 year old Steven Pomie was convicted on five counts, including first-degree assault and assault as a hate crime, for attacking Dwan Prince outside Prince's apartment in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn last June. Authorities said Pomie and two others beat Prince unconscious and kicked him in the head while screaming anti-gay slurs.

Prince was in a coma for more than a month but he recovered enough to provide testimony at the trial that helped convict Pomie on all counts. Prosecutors in the case were helped by the fact that several witnesses called police while the attack was going on.

I can only hope that Pomie's prison time (which could be up to 25 years) will allow him to be exposed to man-on-man love in a way that let's him understand how painful it can be to be a gay man. I'm all for teaching empathy.

Current Knitting
I finally made it past the first repeat of the lace pattern I have tried making three times. I'm working the pattern on 231 stitches, and I have ripped it out three times. I've made it up to 14 rows with the help of waste yarn, stitch markers and a row counter.

My real computer is having some issues, so I'm posting this from my work computer. My pictures of the lace knitting are on my other computer, so I've stolen a bad quality picture from elsewhere to show you kind of what my lace will look like.

The picture is awful, but so is the one of my lace, so it's about equal anyway.

This stitch pattern takes a lot of my concentration, and each row takes quite a while for me to complete. Hopefully it will speed up as I get more and more used to it.

Update - My real computer seems to be working again, so I'm updating this entry to include the lousy picture of the actual lace knitting

Readers' Comments/Questions
Carol S. asks the snarky question, "What's the opposite of 'guy who updates his blog frequently'?"

The best answer I can give is, "Guy with a real life." With a weekend like the one we just had, I can't be expected to be sitting behind a computer.

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