Sunday, April 12, 2015

One Of The Things I Loved About Bill Clinton...

...was his ability to speak the language of whatever group he was addressing.

A Good Salamander
Being everything to everybody doesn't always work out well, but trying to be everything to everybody by having no opinions is one of the worse things you can do. And from what I've seen of Hillary so far, that's how she seems to try and deal with any controversial not having one.

John Edwards, on the other hand, just recently stated publicly that he is honored to have the support of many respected gay leaders.

Two more points in his favor, as far as I'm concerned.

First, he's comfortable using the word "gay" and tries to curry favor with our community in his campaigning.

Second, he's not afraid to have what some might consider to be a controversial opionion.

I've always said, that while I despise folks like Pat Buchanan, I absolutely respect that he holds firm to his opinions. Of course, I vehemently disagree with most of his opionions, but I love that he has them. The only left-leaning presidential candidate in the recent past that I can recall who wasn't afraid to state his opinions, was Bill Bradley...unfortunately, it didn't seem to do him any good. Hopefully, it will put Edwards in better position to take the White House in 2008.

Current Knitting
You can finally get to see the pathetically lame amount of knitting I've been able to complete on the first sleeve.

I hope to accelerate the pace for this sleeve and the last one over the course of the next few days.

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