Monday, February 23, 2015

So Close

I worked like hell trying to get my latest sweater completed this weekend, and didn't quite make it.

Current Knitting
I finished the entire last sleeve except for about 1 inch of ribbing.

One crappy inch...well, suffice it to say that I will finish it tonight and post finished pictures of the sweater and me wearing it in the next blog post.

HBO Must See
There's a great new special on HBO called "Right America, Feeling Wronged" by Alexandra Pelosi (Nancy's daughter, in case you were wondering).

I have to say it is still shocking to me the amount of ignorance, bigotry and hatred in this country, and this special seems to condense a lot of it. I honestly wished that the movie had been a little be less one-sided in its viewpoint, but even as skewed as it seemed to be, it was still a big warning that this country still has some scary places in it.

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