Monday, February 16, 2015

Queer Sheep

Franklin can draw funny sheep, I have to resort to finding funny pictures on the web.

Captions Anyone?
Franklin also has an amazing way with words, and funny captions for his funny sheep drawings.

I, on the other hand, rely on my readers to come up with clever captions for random pictures I find on the web.

Anyone have any clever captions for me?

Okay, I've undone all of the machine and hand quilting that I worked on the pillows.

As Ann suggested, I've ordered Quilter's Dream Request batting and the John James quilting needles. As soon as they arrive, I'll restart this project.

The one nice part of all this is that I still love looking at these fabrics. Usually with a knitting project that goes on for a while, I get very tired of the color of the yarn. I need to go to Liza's site to see if there are any new fabrics from Kaffe or any of the other amazing fabric artists she carries.

Fortunately, I get to go around the corner and see them in person. If anyone wants an opinion on any of her fabrics, I'd be glad to check them out personally and let you know what I think.

Non-Knitting Activity
I just finished In Cold Blood by Truman Capote this morning.

After seeing one of my favorite actors, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, portray Capote on film, I was inspired to read some of his work. A while ago, I finished Breakfast at Tiffany's and some of Capote's short stories and enjoyed them all very much. In Cold Blood is significantly different than any of them, but the quality of writing is extraordinary. When I read something like this, I always wonder if the author has taken great pains to make ever word and sentence and paragraph perfect, or whether he writes like this effortlessly.

Either way, In Cold Blood is a masterpiece of writing.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Regarding unquilting, JoVE notes, "Remember that your goal was learning and you will realize that you are more than meeting that goal."

This has been my exact philosophy all along, and she's exactly right. I also learned something about myself in the process. Even though I realized that I was running into problems earlier, I considered the machine stitching too much work to undo. But as the project got worse and worse, I had no problem undoing all the machine stitching and the the hand stitching to get back to ground level. The stitch-ripping was almost therapeutic.

JoVE also asks about the Blueface Leicester, "Isn't BFL lovely to spin?"

Yes, it's some of my favorite so far. As nice or nicer than the brown Jacob Select I spun a while back.

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