Saturday, February 7, 2015

I Can Pre-Order!!!

Not sure if this is old news or not (sorry Carol) but Carol and Laura and Lisa's book Knit So Fine is available for pre-order through Amazon.

I've Met All The Authors
I feel privileged to have met all three women who put this book together, and I have to say, any one of them could have put out a spectacular book, so I'm looking very much forward to getting my copy when it comes out in June. So I've pre-ordered.

I'm sure Carol will be glad to sign my copy even though I bought it at a discounted price through Amazon.

Last time I mentioned a book available for pre-order for Amazon, I went out to pre-order, and the delivery date had been pushed back two weeks. I guess their original order of the book had sold out more quickly than I had expected. That won't happen this time.

Current Knitting
I've made a lot of progress on the red lace tea cloth, and I'm actually beginning to think I might just finish this soon.

I completed 12 rounds!!!! Yes, that is worthy of assassinating a few exclamation points, especially given the number of stitches per round is around 800 and I'm learning new stitch patterns in this section of the lace.

Just to give you a sense of where I am in the project, since it's impossible to get a decent picture, the black line on the scan of the cloth in the book is where I am.

Upcoming Knitting
There are times when it's very convenient to maintain such a regularly published blog.

I was able to go back in blog history to find out what the mystery yarn was.

It turns out I got it from Lars at Rhinebeck-2006 as a gift. He bought it at School Products and said that it was almost 2 pounds of raw silk.

Based on a lot of reading about Niebling-like patterns that bind in places where they aren't supposed to, I will take the sage advice of Fleegle and use the Merino for my first Niebling-like lace.

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