Saturday, February 7, 2015

Another Book On Pre-Order

I mentioned Carol's book, Knit So Fine, on Wednesday, and then I noticed this book for pre-sale also.

It's Swish: My Quest To Become The Gayest Person Ever by Joel Derfner.

How could any self-respecting gay man not want this book?

QueerJoe's Political Statement
Knit-blogging friends have posted some references to their preferred candidates for the U.S. Presidential primary, and I will add my two cents.

I am supporting Senator Clinton for president. I find her to be an incredibly diligent, smart and dedicated candidate who has learned to navigate the ugly world of politics. I should probably first note that I have no idea how to pick a president, although I definitely have ways of eliminating choices for myself.

If all of her skills, experience and spirit weren't enough to elect her, check out the video below and compare the backgrounds each of the guys use for their interview with the one used by Clinton (she's toward the end of the video clip).

Just so you know, Senator Clinton's background is a quilt designed by Kaffe and my friend Liza, although I have no idea who actually made the quilt.

Current Knitting
I struggled a little with my knitting these last couple of days. I was only able to get five rounds completed since Wednesday, and I may have to go back a couple of rounds if I screwed something up. I'll know shortly.

Here's the obligatory progress picture.

If I do decide to go back a couple of rounds, it will take quite a bit of work. I'm not averse to doing that, but I hate that it might delay starting my next lace project.

And if I decide to swatch for the next lace project...all may be lost.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Fiber Ninja asks, "Speaking of Lars, has anyone been in contact with him?"

Lars seems to drift into and out of my life, and I haven't heard from him in a while...anyone else?

Samina writes, "I've searched through your archives to see if I could find some info on your pattern for the red lace tea cloth, but the google search won't offer me up your first posts discussing it. Please take mercy on me & do tell!"

Thanks for Jane posting the answer, it is Springtime Design from Marianne Kinzel's First Book of Modern Lace Knitting.

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