Friday, January 23, 2015

Hoist By My Own Petard

I know, I have amazing disdain for the folks on the KnitList who kvell over an actor that knits, but I live vicariously through the author of an incredibly successful book. What kind of hypocrisy is that?

Update on New Book
Some of you may have seen the 20/20 interview with Norah Vincent. More of you may have seen her book on the COVER of the New York Times Book Review this past Sunday. Her book, Self-Made Man, has become a sensation. Currently around #22 in sales on Amazon, which I find amazing.

Seems worth kvelling about to me. I got a chance to finish the book this weekend, and it is better than the hype.

Norah's partner, Lisa, who is a knit friend and comments frequently on this blog, was shown a few times on the 20/20 segment as well.

Current Knitting
I'm continuing on with the Accidental Shawl in the unknown yarn.

The picture sucks (hopefully next entry will have a more detailed picture of the lace), but it gives you a sense about the size of the shawl so far. I have quite a bit to do just on the length, and I still have to pic an appropriate border to give it the width I want.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Regarding the Accidental Shawl, Liz asks, "What kind of edging do you think on the shawl? I'm having trouble picturing one that would do it justice."

I'm thinking something almost as simple as the lace pattern that I'm currently working on. Mhairi is right, that the simplicity is what makes it elegant. I really just want to give it more width without any additional complexity.

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