Friday, January 16, 2015


I often envy Véronik, but usually, it's because of her creativity and design talent.

Then I Saw THIS On Her Blog

Or at least something like it. It's a Digital Caliper Micrometer with LCD Display!!!, which she has cleverly pictured being used as the ultimate needle gauge.

This is SO going on my Amazon Wish List.

Current Knitting
I got up to round 70 or so on the red lace tea cloth, and I had to put it down. Even with using eight 7" double pointed needles and a ninth one to do the knitting, the stitches were starting to fall off the needles.

I have a couple of longer circular needles on order, but they just shipped yesterday. I finish the lace knitting as soon as I get the needles.

In the interim, I started work again on the almost-forgotten kid alpaca blanket that I started years ago.

I've finished over two feet of knitting so far, but I still have at least four more feet to go. Some might remember I nicknamed this my coffin-cover. That's getting truer and truer every year. The last picture will at least show that it's starting to cover at least a portion of a large bed.

Adam Spector Hodgkins Memorial Fund

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