Wednesday, January 28, 2015


It's bad enough when I can't walk past a table at the flea market with any knitting items and not come away with something. But now Thaddeus is even doing it for me.

Local Flea Market Strikes Again
Since I'm not home during the week, and the local flea market is open on Wednesdays, Thaddeus often goes there without me. Look what he picked up for me on his last trip there.

This is about 40 Workbasket magazines from the 50's, 60's and 70's. He also picked these little items up.

Vintage knitting booklets from Minerva, Bernat, etc. Folks tell me how lucky I am to have Thaddeus...they're exactly right.

Current Knitting
I continue unabated the pace of knitting on the red lace tea cloth.

Even on two 32 inch cable needles, it's starting to become difficult to get a good picture. I also realized that I have another repeat of the leaf motif before I hit the final outer section of the cloth.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Regarding my mention of Niebling lace in my last post, Cara asks, "Are you planning to attempt something like that?"

Yes, I'll be posting something about it in my next post.

Meribeth adds, "I have heard that his patterns are very difficult to come this true?"

Yes, it seems that most of his work was published in Burda magazines called Anna. They are often available on eBay, but often go for higher prices.

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