Thursday, January 15, 2015

Final Days of Voting

Get in your last minute vote for the Knibbies since tomorrow is the last day for voting!

Knit Blog Awards
The KBA's have been quite a learning experience, both in terms of technical web knowledge and how these things work in real life.

Expanding knowledge for me is always a good thing, so I'm glad for the experience.

Other Fiber-Related Happenings
Throughout the week I had off between Christmas and the New Year, I did quite a bit of spinning on the heretofore unidentified tan roving.

I have to say, that either the bobbins on the Robin Wheels are fucking HUGE, or I'm spinning thinner than I ever have (or a combination of both). I have never taken so much time to fill up a bobbin with singles, and since I'm planning on triple-plying this yarn, it's going to take forever. Forunately, I love this fiber, even though I couldn't remember what kind of wool it was.

I considered calling the business where I bought the roving, and ask them if they could help me identify the fiber, since I had cleverly slipped their business card into the bag of roving. When I pulled it out to get the phone number, I cleverly checked to see if I had written down the fiber content on the back of the card.

Lo and behold, I am spinning with Blueface Leicester!

What a relief.

Even More Fiber-Related News
For you vegans and PETA people reading, I wouldn't recommend going any further.

I got an incredible Christmas gift from my friend Charles. He bought me this incredible shearling vest.

The outer layer is amazingly soft and supple, and the inside is incredibly soft and warm. This is truly an incredible gift.

Readers' Comment/Questions
Gail mentions, "I can't find a general email address so hope this won't be horribly irrelevant here.", and then goes on to post a link to the V&A web site for a database of non-garment knitted items.

First of all, for any of you looking, there's an animated e-mail button underneath my picture at the top of the web site in case you want to e-mail me. Second, I normally don't like when folks promote their own special interests in comments. Third, I love the V&A site, and am glad Gail posted it, since I would have put it in a blog entry anyway.

Regarding local yarn stores in my area, Cynthia asks, "Can you recommend any other stores in the area? I hear there is a shop in Peddler's Village (is that a real place?), but have yet to find it."

Three yarn stores that are very close to me:

Gazebo Knitting - Closest yarn store in Logan Square Shopping Plaza on Route 202
Knit Twist and Spin - Route 202 and Aquetong Rd
Knit Inn - Peddler's Village, Lahaska PA (on Route 202 southbound side, just North of the Fire House in Lahaska)

The last one isn't very far either:

Knitting to Know Ewe (unfortunate name) - 2324 Second St Pike (Route 2322), Penns Park, PA 18943

And for general information, Peddler's Village is just the name of the shopping area, not the name of the town.

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