Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Working in Spurts

When it comes to getting things accomplished, I am much more a sprinter than a long distance kind of guy.

Workshops, Logistics and Knitting
In addition to coordination a lot of the upcoming Men's Spring Knitting retreat, I've also been trying to pull together hand-outs and knitted examples for two workshops I've volunteered to lead at the retreat.

But that hasn't stopped me from getting quite a bit of knitting completed (see below).

I'm teaching a class in how to turn three different kinds of heels, and I just finished created three disembodied heels in the various ways. I've also been working on generic instructions for each heel to give to the participants. I haven't even started pulling together the information I need for the basic spinning class, but I think that one will be a lot less formal anyway.

Add to the two workshops all the nametags, logistic sheets, agendas, class rosters...etc., etc. Thank gawd I had a lot of coffee this weekend.

Current Knitting
Despite all this retreat activity, I also got quite a bit done on my latest lace project from the Ichida book.

Here's a picture from the book of what the final piece will look like.

And here's where I am so far.

If you can't tell, I have one of the two center squares completed and one extension to the square. I've just started working on the second square, which I will graft to the first one before starting the first of the two outer sections.

It's moving along more quickly than I had expected.

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