Saturday, May 9, 2015

I've Got a Roaming Eye

And who could blame me, when I'm working on a fine-gauge baby blanket in pale yellow?

I Have Needs
Yes, I cheated. I got tired or looking at pale yellow for rows and rows. I needed variety. I needed vibrancy. So I made this.

Something came over me this weekend. The Morehouse Merino pattern called "Beaudelaire" beckoned, and I looked for yarn in my stash that would make a good scarf, and give me the color jolt I needed.

I found two balls of Silk Garden in a wonderful colorway, and cast on.

The thing I love about this pattern, is that is looks like a loose gauge stockinette stitch, but it doesn't roll. Plus, it mixes two different balls of Noro when I alternated them every two rows.

Here's a closeup in case you want to try and figure out the stitch pattern.

Current Knitting
I did also get some knitting done on the pale yellow blanket, despite straying.

I'll try to remain faithful this week.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Michelene asks: "Harrisville makes a tabletop loom at a reasonable price, or do you want to go straight for the big bang?"

I'm not really sure yet. In addition to Liza's generous offer, I have neighbors that are very involved in a local weavers guild. I think they would let me play on some of their looms before I decided to purchase one.

Carol S. posits, "So does this mean your Weavette fails to satisfy?"

Evil...just evil.

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