Sunday, May 10, 2015

Another QueerJoe Gross Generalization

In my experience, lawyers are some of the most obnoxious, boorish people on the planet.

As With Any Generalization...
...there are a number of exceptions. Carol and her husband, for instance, are both lawyers and perfectly non-boorish people.

My latest brush with the annoying population came during my lunch break from jury duty last week.

Since my jury duty took place in the county seat of my county, it's no surprise that I'd run into a lawyer or two. At lunch, I went to a small sandwich shop that had a little bit of seating. When I got there, there was a group of eight people that had pulled together a couple of tables, and were clearly in the process of having a business lunch. After a very brief period of time, I was able to easily determine the group of eight were lawyers, many if not all partners in a local firm. I could tell this because the main (most obnoxious) man in the group, who was leading the meeting, was discussing their firm's business in a voice loud enough so everyone in the sandwich shop could hear.

When they started discussing personnel issues of the staff at their firm, I started to get uncomfortable. I now have a complete run down of all the partners' secretaries in the firm, their responses to a "confidential" survey of their throughts on working for the firm, and their likelihood of being let go for various performance issues.

I couldn't help but ask myself a few questions. Did the meeting leader not realize the whole shop could hear their conversation? Did he not care? Did he not think it was completely inappropriate to be discussing these issues in a public forum? Did not one of his sycophantic drones have balls enough to ask him to stop, or minimally to speak more quietly?

I considered pretending to fall and hurt myself in the store to try and get one of their business cards so I could call and chat with the secretaries I now knew so much about, but I figured it wouldn't help anything.

Current Knitting
I was able to finish the last sleeve of the colorblock cardigan.

I will spend some of my weekend knitting time sewing up this garment, and starting on the button band and the collar. I won't be doing anything exotic, so it should go relatively quickly.

Based on some inspiration of Mel comments on a knitting list, I decided to try my hand at a felted cat toy with my Araucania remnants. Here's what I came up with.

I'll test it out with little Nico later today to see if it was a success.

Blog Error
Friend Liza wrote to inform me that the Texas man who I wrote about in my last blog entry was given a life sentence in prison...not a death sentence.

I'm much less disturbed by this, but I was still glad to read all your responses to this.

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