Sunday, July 26, 2015

WAY Too Excited

Has some fiber-related article made you giddy with excitement?

Fiber Geek
I know this is no surprise to readers here, but I am such a fiber geek.

Last night I bought a rotary cutter as part of the equipment I'm gathering to make my quilt. I can't tell you how excited and obsessed with this object I have been for the last 14 hours.

It just reminded me that I'm not like most Earthlings, because not only could I get manic about a cutting tool, but I don't even have a problem with that.

Knitting Project
Now that the Wool/Hemp Pullover is all but done, I had a lot of difficulty deciding on what I should bring to work this week.

I settled on the "secret project", but I also realized I get very little knitting done during the week, so it's kind of irrelevant anyway.

More so, I'm starting to question whether I could actually write up the pattern for this current sweater, and whether I really care to keep this one a secret.

I'll think about it a little more before deciding.

Other Fiber Excitement
This past weekend, I found the following at the local flea market.

The Vogue Knitting from 1951 is quite cool. It's got a lot of very fifties garments, includinig a number of dresses. Many of the garments are fitted way too small for modern tastes, but it's a treasure trove of ideas. The Jack Frost crochet purse booklet has some amazing designs in it. I may even try my hand at some as gifts for friends. The "Furida Angora" booklet isn't great, but I figured $6 for all three was worth it.

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