Saturday, July 25, 2015

Friday Unread Updates

It seems that the entire blog-reading world goes away on Fridays, and doesn't return until Monday to catch up on missed blog entries.

Despite It All
Yes, brave heart that I am, I will still provide an update today.

Besides which, I couldn't justify having left you with that awful picture of the Promenade dans le FĂ´ret lace that I posted earlier this week.

Current Knitting
And yet, I find this color of yarn to be particularly difficult to photograph so that I can give the yarn a bit more contrast from its background. I'm blaming the camera and I won't listen to anyone who blames the photographer.

I've only added 9 more rounds since the last posting, but it seemed like more than that while I was doing it.

The nice part about knitting this design for the second time is that I haven't made any errors yet, which I definitely couldn't have said about my first attempt at this project.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Regarding my whining about laceweight yarns in manly colors, I was glad to get all your comments and suggestions. I love that Carol wrote, "Hey -- BBF laceweight comes in any color YOU want."

All I can say is that it's good to have friends in the knitting world!

PuffTheMagicRabbit wrote, "Love your roving color. Mine was named Good n Plenty- though I think she meant Good n Fruity"

You're probably right, but I would imagine Carol would have saved the name Good 'n Fruity for me, dontcha think? BTW, how do you like your Strauch drum carder? I love having mine, but I feel like it's somewhat wasted based on the amount of fleece I actually get to card.

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