Monday, March 30, 2015

Questioning Myself

Some folks question themselves because they're uncertain or have low self-esteem. I question myself and my motives often, because I think it shows an interest in self-improvement.

Accepting Feedback
With the recent comments from Anonymous, I've had a few responses that I'd like to share with y'all.

When the first brief comment about my colour sense came through, I thought I had pissed someone off again, and this was their childish way of trying to insult me. The comment provided no actual feedback, it just really stated an opinion, albeit stated as fact. I know my sense of color isn't for everyone, and I'm glad for that.

Then, when the more detailed description of why my color sense was strange came in, my immediate reaction was one of annoyance, and defensiveness. After getting past my initial emotional response, I thought through what the commenter was saying. I still think the comments are childish, but in a different way now. For someone to have absolute opinions about something as subjective as color sense (rules such as a piece must have harmonious colors, or a color theme to pull colors together), and then try to impose those rules on others, seems sophomoric to me. Kind of like the absolute, black & white opinions of an adolescent.

And with the final sentence of the comment, dictating that I "need to look at colour theory," seemed to indicate that the commenter was either trying to get back at me for something I've written in the past, or is one of those people that thinks there is only one true religion, or one right way to knit, and would tell someone they must accept Jeseus or take a proper knitting class.

Just to be clear, I reject the color sense of the commenter completely. I purposefully steer clear of conventional (boring) color combinations that I could purchase in Brooks Brothers. And even if I created a multi-color garment that didn't end up working out to be what I would consider appealing, I always feel I've learned from the exercise. To be even clearer, I don't think the commenter should change her/his opinions on colour theory if that's what makes the person comfortable.

Current Knitting
I have finished the fourth pair of felted clogs, and I'll probably knit one more pair before felting the whole lot at once.

I am working on finishing up a very finicky collar on the dark tweed pullover, and as soon as I'm finished with that, I'll start the fifth pair of clogs.

Yarn Remnants

Is this my latest purchase from my favorite yarn store, Twist?

No. I have a friend who has a friend who knits cuffs on the ends of plain knitted gloves and sells the result. My friend asked if I had any remnants of wool yarn that she could give to her friend to help build a stash of yarns for her. Since my Hefty Bag of remnants was overflowing, I was only too glad to get rid of this bag full of yarn.

Readers' Comments/Questions
In addition to hating Hillary, Leslie writes, "Colorblock sweater looks really nice - both sides. Isn't it a pain keeping all the bobbins straight?"

No, not really. The butterfly bobbins help with that a lot. They keep the yarn ends short and tangle-free, but let out the yarn loosely enough to let me knit smoothly and quickly.

Miss T writes, "Your colorblock cardigan looks wonderful! Are you weaving in the ends as you go?"

Yes, I always weave in ends while I knit if I can. If I had to go back with a darning needle with all these ends, the sweater would never get done. I've gotten very accurate at breaking off the yarn at the end of a square to the exact length it takes to weave it into the following block.

Dawn writes my favorite comment in a long time, with, "When I see such vehement opinions like Leslie's and Carol's I can't help thinking that something else is going on. Have their opinions been affected by some smear/propaganda campaign. I juat can't imagine anyone talking about GWBush like that, and he deserves it. Their language seemed out of proportion for talking about a political candidate. Any ideas?"

That is a fascinating idea. I personally like Hilary, and I would love to see her in the White House as the first female president in this country (it's about time). Although, I think the rhetoric on this blog about dubbya can be equally as vitriolic, I also think he's much more deserving than Hillary. So, I guess I do have to believe that some folks' response to Hillary is due to the constant anti-Hillary bashing she went through during Bill's presidency and the NY senate elections. I must admit, I get weary of her vascillating sometimes, but I still think she's a brilliant politician who would be an incredible president.

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