Saturday, March 7, 2015

Naming Conventions

Is it just me, or are men more apt to assign a name to their genitals than women?

Naming Your Member
In reading a little about the movie Transamerica yesterday, I noted that even Felicity Huffman, pretending to be a man, named her prosthetic penis "Andy". And Norah Vincent, in her book, Self-Made Man had a cute little name for hers as well. What was the name again, Lisa?

I've never been a fan of naming body parts...Joe Jr., Mini-me, my Johnson. The closest I've ever come to that is calling it my dick...but I don't consider that a proper name (even when the last name is Cheney). While I can understand that some guys think the thing has a mind of it's own, I still don't understand naming it.

Do women name their pudenda? Do women name their husband/boyfriend's penis? Or is this strictly a manly event?

Current Knitting
I did get a little knitting done on the lace shawl. Mondays are travel days, where I'm up at four in the morning and don't get to sleep until around ten at night, so knitting time is a little more scarce.

Other Weekend Fiber Activity
I got a little more quilting done on the first pillow top, but it wasn't significant progress. I can't decide on what kind of stitch design I want in the corners, inside the borders of the pillow.

Do I go rounded and swirly (like the borders will be), or do I stich with the straight diagonals? Any input from the experts?

I also got some more spinning done on the Blueface Leicester.

As I make more and more progress on this yarn, I can't help but dream about how nice this will be to knit with, and the resulting fabric.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Regarding my mis-estimate of the completion timeframe of the Accidental Shawl, MP asks, "Is this a new trend? I have never given it much thought - except when knitting for a gift. After all I consider knitting a hobby and not job with a deadline."

Even BG (before blogging), I used to impose deadlines on my knitting projects. I am a very deadline-driven person, so it's useful for me to feel I'm making progress toward a goal, even when self-imposed. I am not one of the knitters who consider knitting to be a relaxing hobby. I consider knitting to be more like "productive fidgeting," and fidgeting isn't usually a trait of a relaxed person.

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