Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Felted Mitten Tutorial in Knitcircus e-Magazine

The new issue of Knitcircus e-magazine is out, and contains a tutorial by TECHknitter (hey, that's me!) for making felted mittens, as part of the fall pattern collection.

Here's the link.

These kids' mittens are very easy to make--very forgiving of mistakes. Although made by hand, these are actually superior in performance and durability to high-tech winter fabrics. The "alien eyeball" pair you see with purple cuffs are quite used: they were worn as the only hand-coverings for two entire winters by an active boy, here in the frozen north of Wisconsin before being photographed! Now outgrown, they are still good for further wear by another, smaller child.

There's just one little error in the pattern presentation: The e-magazine (which contains a sort of a catalog for the pattern download) indicates that the mittens are made with Blue Sky Alpaca, but they are not. The actual pattern in the download correctly identifies the mittens as being made with either Ella Rae Classic/Ella Rae Superwash worsted-weight yarns or Dalegarn Hielo /Falk DK weight yarns.


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